Another one?

We had some friends and family over yesterday for Christmas gift day, since we are going to be in Finland over Christmas. Marc and I told everybody that we're having a baby in July :-) Funny how the kids react differently. Nicholas, 14 yrs, almost choked on the piece of chocolate he was eating and was staring at one spot on a wall after that for a while. Clearly not the most positive news at that point. His first question was:" Where is IT going to sleep?!"
Daniel, 4½ yrs, ran over to me and asked if I had a baby in my tummy. I said yes. His first question was:"Are you joking?" His second question was:"May I see?"

Merry Christmas...

Daniel's been sick for three days now. He has a fever and a nasty cough. Shit happens. Every parent with a kid at daycare has been there and knows that and every parent deals with a fever every once in a while. But we got some delicious news from Daniels daycare on Monday. Apparently two kids got chicken pox. Yiiiihaaaa!  And the incubation time is up to two weeks. And what happens in two weeks? Oh that's right: Christmas. Crap! We're traveling by boat next Friday and are at my parents on Saturday, just in time for that itchy chicken pox nuisance. I think the only one who hasn't had it is Daniels big brother Nicholas. Merry, itchy Christmas...

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