Stupid sun

Different countries generate different problems in raising your children. There's malaria and slum and too hot and too cold atmosphere and what have you. Sweden gives parents issues with the sunlight. First the kids learn their bed time routines during winter. You go to bed when it's dark. You wake up just before the sun. But now, during spring and further on in the summertime, the stupid sun never sets. So far Daniel is pretty easy to get to bed, but he wakes up earlier and earlier every morning. Because the stupid sun is shining at like 4 AM or something. Yesterday and this morning he got up at 6 AM. Not ok for Saturday and Sunday in my book. Then again during the week, he is cranky and tired and just doesn't want to wake up. What ever happened to being consistant? I guess it's not the first priority when you're almost five years old... Maybe we'll just make him sleep with sunglasses on or something. Or just realise how this really is not a problem at all. After all there's the countries with malaria and slum and too hot and too cold atmosphere...

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