Look no further, the baby has a name now

Daniel has solved our problem with coming up with a name for the baby: Stormtrooper Johnson. Also, no more clothing problems! Genius!

When kids get sick

On Friday I left my cell phone at my office for two minutes and when I came back, there was a missed call from Daniels daycare on it. So I immediately panic and call them up, and they tell me that Daniel has a fever. He didn't eat that much for lunch. (Shocker! Since lunch was something like broccoli-stew with oven-baked potatoes, asparagus and all that stuff that every 4,5 year old loves. They might as well have sprinkled some coffee beans and liquerice on it and it would've been an instant hit. Not.)  The teachers reacted because Daniel came to one of them and wanted to sit on her lap and was burning hot. They took his temp and it was over 39 degrees. So I left work to pick him up and felt like the crappiest parent who didn't know that her child was sick. He didn't have a fever in the morning, but I felt crappy anyways. That's what mothers do...

So when I get to daycare he's sleeping on the couch. This makes me feel even more crappy. Daniels friend, who I'm having a hard time with, was poking him on his forehead. I was considering ripping his head off, but told him off instead. Daniel woke up and his main concern was that he didn't get to eat a snack at daycare. So I went to the store and got him a snack. At home he fell asleep at 5 PM and woke up at 6 AM the next morning. He's had a 39-degree-fever ever since. Marc seems to have the same thing. Both of them have been sleeping most of the day and when they're not sleeping, they just stare at the TV. Daniel has actually watched a bunch of sports with me today while keeping quiet and with no demands of The Playhouse Disney Channel. That, my friends is a sign that he is really sick. Although he did comment on the downhill skiing quoting Ice age: Slalom baby!

Who's baby?

I wrote earlier about the kids reactions to the baby. Apparently Daniel told everybody at the daycare about the baby the day after he found out. Since then Daniel calls the baby his baby. He's talking about the future a lot and every other sentence starts with a "When my baby is born..." And they end with "when my baby hurts himself, I will give him a hug". Or "when my baby walks into a wall, he can hug my teddybear". I'm hoping there won't be that many accidents as Daniel predicts...He has asked at least every other day if the baby is going to be born tomorrow. We keep telling him that the baby is due in the summer. And since our winter at the moment isn't a real winter, Daniel chooses to think that the summer is just around the corner or translated to 4½ year old language - tomorrow.

Daniel seemes also very proud about the fact that he will be a big brother. He said to me that "When my baby is born and I become a big brother we don't need Nicholas anymore." I asked him where Nicholas is going to go then. And Daniel explained to me that he is going to move out. Somehow I'm not convinced that Nicholas, 14 yrs old, is moving out any time soon. But then again Daniel might know something I don't...

Snowman a la Daniel

Winter fun

You never get tired of hearing a good joke, or do you?

Daniel and I have a couple of different routines for mornings at this household.
1. I wake up Daniel, he gets really mad because I wake him up, I put his clothes on while ducking for sharp kicks and mentally closing my ears for screams. I carry him downstairs to the bathroom. He pees, I brush his teeth, he hugs his teddy bear and we go out the door. By the time he gets his boots on or in the car at the latest, he's usually in a good mood. I'm in a bad mood from nagging at Daniel.
 2. I wake up Daniel. He starts humming the Star Wars Darth Vader-theme. I help him put his clothes on, I carry him downstairs to the bathroom. He pees, I brush his teeth, he hugs hus teddy bear and we go out the door. By the time.....well, you get the picture. I'm in a good mood.
Somehow Marc seemes to be able to get Daniel up in a good mood way more often than I do.
 But then we get to the daycare. On a good morning we're on time. Unfortunately, we have more not so good mornings than good mornings. But every time we get in, we take Daniels shoes off and walk through the daycare to his section. Daniel pulls his hat over his face and I tell the teacher that I left Daniel at home today. We go to Daniels section and he takes his hat off and giggles because nobody saw him. We go back after we load off all his stuff to his shelf and Daniel "surprises" the teacher by showing up from behind me. This has been just as fun every single morning since it started about six months ago... But just as long he's happy, I'm happy and am willing to do this same thing every time we go to daycare. Doesn't seem to be that big of a sacrifice...

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