Who's baby?

I wrote earlier about the kids reactions to the baby. Apparently Daniel told everybody at the daycare about the baby the day after he found out. Since then Daniel calls the baby his baby. He's talking about the future a lot and every other sentence starts with a "When my baby is born..." And they end with "when my baby hurts himself, I will give him a hug". Or "when my baby walks into a wall, he can hug my teddybear". I'm hoping there won't be that many accidents as Daniel predicts...He has asked at least every other day if the baby is going to be born tomorrow. We keep telling him that the baby is due in the summer. And since our winter at the moment isn't a real winter, Daniel chooses to think that the summer is just around the corner or translated to 4½ year old language - tomorrow.

Daniel seemes also very proud about the fact that he will be a big brother. He said to me that "When my baby is born and I become a big brother we don't need Nicholas anymore." I asked him where Nicholas is going to go then. And Daniel explained to me that he is going to move out. Somehow I'm not convinced that Nicholas, 14 yrs old, is moving out any time soon. But then again Daniel might know something I don't...

Postat av: Jenny

Haha! Han är för rolig! Han kommer att bli en jättebra storebror!!!

2009-02-08 @ 21:30:45
URL: http://wagen.blogg.se/

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