
Last month we finally had the eye doctor's appointment at Huddinge hospital to see if Daniel needs glasses. We've been there once before already and that time the doctor basically did the same exam as the Child-health station nurse; Daniel was supposed to look at a board and say what the doctor was pointing at. To make life easier for everyone, he had a little board in his hands where he could point at the symbol that he thought the doctor was pointing at. He didn't have patience (or manners?) to do this properly, so he guessed wildly. This is not to be recommended at the eye doctor's, since you might wind up with thicker glasses than you need. After this he was all over the place touching everything in sight. The doctor got nervous, so I got nervous and was shoving Daniel here and there, mainly towards his chair, hissing no, don't do that, stop that and listen. At the same time I tried to hear what the doctor's verdict was. She said that she couldn't tell for certain this time, and that we'd get a new time for eye drops and an exam later.

Weeks and months went by and then finally we got a letter from the hospital for an eye examination. I had talked to Daniel earlier and tried to make him behave with willpower (=pribe). If he did good, he would get something from the hospital store. At the hospital he got the eye drops from a nurse and then we had to wait for an hour so that the drops would start working. While we where waiting we had soda and donuts at the cafe. After an hour we met with the doctor who looked into Daniel's eyes with about five different kinds of lamps and other gadgets. In the end she announced that there's nothing wrong with Daniel's left eye, but his right eye was in need of a little correction. She thought though that he doesn't need glasses right now. We will get a new time in a year and then we'll go from there.
So yay! No glasses yet.  And he behaved beautifully and got a Ben 10 magazine and ice cream from the store. The rest of the day was a little blurry for him because of the eye drops, and he didn't appreciate the sunny day that much. But he read the Ben 10 magazine anyways, it doesn't matter if he is blurry or not, he's still a cool dude.

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