Postman Dan

Christmas is getting closer and we've been talking about Santa quite a bit. Most of the time Santa comes up when we talk about toys that Daniel wants but is so not going to get before Christmas. Whenever Daniel tells us that he wants a certain toy, we tell him that we'll write a wish list and send it to Santa. We have also said the classic you have to be nice to get christmas gifts and that naughty kids don't get any. That works for about five minutes and then he's back to not listening again...

Anyways. Last week the Santa stuff came up again. Daniel wanted something and I told him about the wish list and being nice. We got home and Daniel wanted to write a letter. He found a piece of paper and  a pen and drew some lines on the paper. Then he folded the paper, put his jacket, hat and shoes on and went outside to put "the letter" in our mailbox. He came back inside, closed the door and said that now the maiman has been here. So back he goes and gets the letter from the mailbox. According to Daniel the letter was for me. He opened it and read:" I love you so much. We are best friends. Buy something now. Daniel"

Doctor genes from ? (Hanna's cousin's a doctor and Marc's... that's right, no doctors on that side of the family)

One day, when we got home from daycare we were talking about looking at something. Daniel said that he couldn't because of astridtigamism. I had to ask him at least three times what he said and still couln't get it. Finally I asked him what it meant. He said that when you have astridtigamism there's somehing wrong with your eyes and that you need glasses. He was talking about astigmatism. (That I happen to have myself and should have understood directly). We asked him how he knew the word and he said that he learned it from a book at daycare. What a smart boy!

OH NO! In the middle of the night

Daniel wakes up just about every night and wakes me up just as many times. When does this end? I don't even remember the last time Nicholas woke us up in the middle of the night for something. That doesn't mean anything though since he's thirteen and I don't remember what I did yesterday anyways or what my middle name is.But the other night we got woken up by Daniel shouting "OH NO!" So I went to his room to see what the matter was and found Daniel standing on his bed staring at the matress and a big wet spot on it. Usually when this happens he just whines and doesn't say what the matter is. This time he pointed at it and he also wanted new, clean jammies and a towel to sleep on. He got to sleep in our bed instead. I was way too tired to fix his bed...

Obi Wan Danobi

We made the mistake of watching the original Star Wars movies with Daniel. The three last ones. And the movie before the old ones. Who knows the order anyways...So now Daniel's a total fan. Everything in life is somehow connected to Star Wars according to our little jedi. It is an interesting experience watching movies with him. He's constantly asking what's going to happen next and where's Anakin. He doesn't really get the part where Anakin turns into Darth Vader and the part where Anakins feet burn up is not that 4-year-old friendly. But anyways, we have some Star Wars lego from Nicholas and we bought a couple of Star Wars lego sets for Daniel, so he's all ecstatic. A couple of weeks ago we went to Stockholm to meet my cousins with their family and after that Marc, me and Daniel went to a toy store. And when we got to a lego Star Wars section, Daniel shouted "Wwoaaw, this is too good to be true!" (=ojojoj, det här är för bra för att vara sant!)

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