C'mon baby light my fire

This is going to sound bad for people who don't have kids and probably also for couples who are expecting their first child. But as a parent I live for the quiet moments. You know, when kids are sleeping or intrigued with TV. I guess if you don't have kids or are expecting, you don't know what I mean. I just need that one moment a day free time from kids or I just won't function properly the next day.

Then again there's intriguing silence and there's OH-MY-GOD-DANIEL-HASN'T-MADE-A-SOUND-IN-A-WHILE silence. The latter happened on Monday. Marc was out front grilling and I was watching a show on TV. Daniel was alone in the kitchen. He was very quiet, which is never a good combination with kitchen unless he's eating. So I went to the kitchen to check it out and found Daniel on the floor playing with matches. He was using them kind of like legos and building stuff. "Look Mommy, I made a tent!" he said and pointed at a triangle he had put together. I couldn't really be mad at him cause we have never told him not to play with matches. He didn't know any better. So we had the matches-are-dangerous - talk there and then. I explained that they could start a fire and that only Mommy and Daddy are allowed to use matches. Like a parrot Daniel repeated "Yeah, only mommies and daddies and grannsies (mormorar på svenska)".

Up to no good with big brother Nicholas

Up to no good with big brother Nicholas


Now that the weather's sunny and warm, the kids play in the sand box all day long at Kindergarten. That means that Daniel's covered in sand dust and has half a kilo of sand in various pockets and shoes when he gets home. His hair is usually also sand coated, so that's another half a kilo. I wonder how often they need to fill the sand box up at Kindergarten since all the kids take some sand home every day? Anyways, all of that playing in sand of course means that Daniel needs to take a bath every night. And that is just as much fun every single time.

Daniel does NOT want to take a bath because he knows that after that he has to go to bed. So if he doesn't take a bath he shouldn't have to go to bed, right? Sadly Dan's parents don't use that logic. So there's a big I don't want toooooo take a baaaath-dispute before we actually get him into the bathtub. But then he suddenly loves it. Go figure. Daniel talks and chirps his way through bathing. The only not so fun thing is washing his hair. I've heard that's a universal thing though. Then there's the big I don't want toooo get out of the baaaaath-dispute. Which we solve by talking about his fingertops that are wrinkled like raisins. I am really interested in seeing what they look like. Really. And we try to figure out if they really are raisins or fingers. The other day Dan pointed at me (mom) and said mom your forehead looks like a raisin... Who ever says that it is so refreshing to talk to kids cause you hear the the truth from them is lying. I didn't feel anything remotely close to refreshing...

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