When kids get sick

On Friday I left my cell phone at my office for two minutes and when I came back, there was a missed call from Daniels daycare on it. So I immediately panic and call them up, and they tell me that Daniel has a fever. He didn't eat that much for lunch. (Shocker! Since lunch was something like broccoli-stew with oven-baked potatoes, asparagus and all that stuff that every 4,5 year old loves. They might as well have sprinkled some coffee beans and liquerice on it and it would've been an instant hit. Not.)  The teachers reacted because Daniel came to one of them and wanted to sit on her lap and was burning hot. They took his temp and it was over 39 degrees. So I left work to pick him up and felt like the crappiest parent who didn't know that her child was sick. He didn't have a fever in the morning, but I felt crappy anyways. That's what mothers do...

So when I get to daycare he's sleeping on the couch. This makes me feel even more crappy. Daniels friend, who I'm having a hard time with, was poking him on his forehead. I was considering ripping his head off, but told him off instead. Daniel woke up and his main concern was that he didn't get to eat a snack at daycare. So I went to the store and got him a snack. At home he fell asleep at 5 PM and woke up at 6 AM the next morning. He's had a 39-degree-fever ever since. Marc seems to have the same thing. Both of them have been sleeping most of the day and when they're not sleeping, they just stare at the TV. Daniel has actually watched a bunch of sports with me today while keeping quiet and with no demands of The Playhouse Disney Channel. That, my friends is a sign that he is really sick. Although he did comment on the downhill skiing quoting Ice age: Slalom baby!


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