You never get tired of hearing a good joke, or do you?

Daniel and I have a couple of different routines for mornings at this household.
1. I wake up Daniel, he gets really mad because I wake him up, I put his clothes on while ducking for sharp kicks and mentally closing my ears for screams. I carry him downstairs to the bathroom. He pees, I brush his teeth, he hugs his teddy bear and we go out the door. By the time he gets his boots on or in the car at the latest, he's usually in a good mood. I'm in a bad mood from nagging at Daniel.
 2. I wake up Daniel. He starts humming the Star Wars Darth Vader-theme. I help him put his clothes on, I carry him downstairs to the bathroom. He pees, I brush his teeth, he hugs hus teddy bear and we go out the door. By the time.....well, you get the picture. I'm in a good mood.
Somehow Marc seemes to be able to get Daniel up in a good mood way more often than I do.
 But then we get to the daycare. On a good morning we're on time. Unfortunately, we have more not so good mornings than good mornings. But every time we get in, we take Daniels shoes off and walk through the daycare to his section. Daniel pulls his hat over his face and I tell the teacher that I left Daniel at home today. We go to Daniels section and he takes his hat off and giggles because nobody saw him. We go back after we load off all his stuff to his shelf and Daniel "surprises" the teacher by showing up from behind me. This has been just as fun every single morning since it started about six months ago... But just as long he's happy, I'm happy and am willing to do this same thing every time we go to daycare. Doesn't seem to be that big of a sacrifice...

Postat av: ulrica

okej, jag får nog ta tillbaka det där med att jag också vill ha barn nu. jag får nog jobba lite på mitt morgonhumör först ;). har nog med mig själv om morgnarna :P

2009-02-06 @ 23:09:35
Postat av: Hanna

Haha, bara för att jag har svårt att få min son att vakna på rätt humör betyder det inte att alla har det likadant. Marc till exempel lyckas få Daniel upp på strålande humör 9 av 10 gånger. Jag fattar inte hur han gör det. Vi har väl talang för olika saker:)

2009-02-07 @ 17:27:49
Postat av: ulrica

haha! ja, det har du nog rätt i. behöver ju inte vara så att du gör särskilt mycket annorlunda än marc dock. om jag minns rätt så kunde det vara rätt stor skillnad på mamma och pappa. inte att de gjorde särskilt mycket olika, men bara vetskapen att det var pappa istället för mamma gjorde skillnad. haha nu svamlar jag, men hoppas du fattar :P.

2009-02-08 @ 12:08:24

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