In English!

So I've decided to do this in English instead. I apologize for all my spelling mistakes to start with; it's been a while since I actually wrote in English. I want to write about Daniel and the rest of the familys life in English because English is the common denominator for Marc and Hanna's families, and our friends know English as well, so there you go! That means that I'll have to do the introduction one more time, so here it goes.

This blog is about Daniel Johnson, 3 years old in June 2007. Daniel's mom's name is Hanna, she is 33 and Finnish. She lives in Sweden since 1996 and works at CityMail. Daniel's dad is Marc, he is 45 and American. He lives in Sweden since 1987 and works at CityMail. Daniel has an older brother, Nicholas. He is 12 and lives with us every other week. The rest of the time he lives at his mom's and his other little brother, Samuel, who is 9 months older than Daniel.

Hanna is going to do all the writing. We are a trilingual family. Hanna speaks Finnish with Daniel, Marc tries to speak English (he kind of forgets and speaks Swedish instead sometimes) and Nick speaks Swedish with Dan. Daniel goes to a Swedish-speaking kindergarten (which he LOVES) so his first language is Swedish. He's arguing with us parents about what things are really called when we say the Finnish and English words and he wants the Swedish words.

Daniel is in the I-know-best and I-want-to-do-it-myself stage in his life. It's cute for a childless bystander. But most of the time it's not that cute for a parent. You just know that the milk is going to get spilled because he wants to pour it himself, or that he puts his feet in the wrong shoes, or that he's going to wear the rain jacket  in sunny weather. It's draining for the parents. But encouraging at the same time; we're actually raising a person here who eventually will get it right with the shoes and the rain jacket. And what's a little bit of spilled milk in the big picture anyways? Daniel's  got a personality of his own and a will of his own and we love it. Sometimes it just wears us parents out for a little while. I think most the parents in the world feel the same at some point.

Feel free to comment this blog! You can do it in any language you want, but we only understand Finnish, English and Swedish fluently ; )  I'll put some pictures in here as well so you'll see who we are.

Postat av: Heini

Hei taas!
Englantikin tulee täällä päässä ymmärretyksi. Ties, vaikka sitä jonakin päivänä tulisi suustanikin? - Hauskat kuvat Dannesta! :) Mää olen viettänyt menneen pitkän viikonvaihteen uusioelämässäni Ylöjärvellä. Henriikka, 16 v. on fiksu ja mukava neitonen. Mirokin pääsi alkukankeudestaan, tosin suurelta osin Urhon lempeällä myötäväikutuksella. Ja tonttikaupat Kurussa vahvistettiin... Hauskaa viikkoa teillekin! Kesäloman kynnyksellä, Heini

2007-05-21 @ 17:22:34

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