Things that make you go: mommy
It's funny how you as a parent go about waiting for that first word, and how you after a year or three get sick and tired of that same word. For me the word is Mommy. Sometimes I think that the word Mommy should be banned. I hear it so much I think it's my name. Mommy Johnson. There's a million ways of saying it. Daniel is an expert and he has a bunch of different ways of saying mommy: There's the whining - mommy, the tired - mommy, the I want something right now - mommy, the I never get anything I want - mommy, the that's not what I wanted - mommy, the you did it wrong - mommy, the I wanted to do it myself - mommy, the I'm so angry with you right now - mommy, the I don't want to go to daycare - mommy, the I don't want to go home from daycare - mommy, the I don't want to go to sleep - mommy.
It's tiring. But then again when you hear the Mommy, I missed you today and I Love you mommy, it's all okay again.
Haha! Det där känner man ju igen!
Marc berättade om din/Daniels blogg så jag var tvungen att kika in och lämna ett litet avtryck.
Ha det så bra!
Jenny ( eller löky lökersson om du frågar Marc)