Ant as a houseguest and a bedtime story

Distraction is the skill that every parent that wants to remain sane needs to develope. I need to distract Daniel to get him out of his bed, to go to day care, to get him into the car, to eat his dinner, to take a bath.... Well, you get the picture. Today, when I picked him up from day care we had to stop for a second to smell some flowers. Then Daniel discovered a dandelion that he wanted to take home because it was so pretty, smelled so nice and most importantly because there was an ant in it. I didn't really find his idea that amusing so I tried to make him put the flower back in the bushes by telling him that the ant would get lost and wouldn't find its way back to his home if we took it home.  (Evil, I know.) He didn't fall for that anyways. He put the dandelion in the trunk of the car, bent closer to it and whispered to the ant:" Don't worry, you can live with us". Of course, when we got home the ant was gone. Luckily, Daniel got over that quickly and found another ant on the ground.

So later, when it was time for Daniel to go to bed there was an incident that I don't really need to relive again. Daniel was as usual upset because he had to go to bed. He was absolutely not going to pee in the toilet, he just wanted to go straight to bed. It doesn't work that way. If he doesn't pee before bedtime, he will pee in his bed. So I stayed in the bathroom while he went to his room when all of a sudden I hear this dripping noise from Daniels room. I thought he was spilling his water. But no, he was peeing on the floor. Intentionally. And he said that he peed on the floor because he didn't get to stay up. Where do these ideas come to his head? It's not like us parents do this kind of stuff and I hope they don't do this at day care...I guess it's just another one of the joys of parenthood...


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