Time to get a hair cut?
It's pretty cool to see how Daniel evolves from a toddler to a little kid with a mind of his own. He's got some pretty neat ideas and thinks about the world around us like only a child can. There's so many things that are amazing that we adults lose that perspective about. Today when I came home from work I saw a constallation of some sort in our front yard. We have a little snow depth measuring thingy on the front lawn. That is shaped as a sign with a snowman on it. Daniel had been outside after Marc picked him up from day care and he had been doing "yard work". When he came in he told Marc that he built a little snowman stand. It was very creative. He used a broomstick, a shovel, some pieces of wood that we had out front and it was shaped as a teepee.
This picking up from daycare has really gotten easier for us parents. Thank god... The other day when I picked him up he ran to me and gave me a big hug. Then he just stared at me for a long time and examined something on my face very thoroughly. Finally he informed me with in a not so suttle voice " Mom, you have hair up your nose! We have to cut it out." When I told Marc this at home, Daniel stared at him for a while and said that Dad doesn't have hair in his nose, he has beard there.