Dead men waving?
We have a poster at home in our kitchen of San Francisco with a photo of grandma Johnson on it. Daniel likes to look at the map and babble away: we drive on this road and then we drive over this bridge and sail to Finland. (He´s not a geography genius just yet.) We were talking about grandma Johnson and grandpa Johnson and Daniel declared that grandpa Johnson is DEAD! He said that he´s up in heaven, on a cloud. And when I said that he´s probably waving at daddy and Nicholas and Daniel right now, Daniel explained that you can´t wave when you´re dead. I didn´t know that. According to Daniel you can't go up a snow mountain when you're dead either. We're not sure what a snow mountain is. Probably one of the snow covered hills on the poster. Apparently you can fly a plane or helicopter to the cloud where grandpa is. But he can't move or talk or wave. Since he's dead.
Postat av: Hanna
Det är otroligt vad mycket tankar och idéer de har de små liven! Jag satt och såg på tv härom dagen (inspelat) när Ida bad mig pausa, hon skulle berätta vad hon ritat. Hon pratade sen oavbrutet i minst 10 minuter, det var invecklade historier om kaniner, kassabiträden och olikfärgade leksaksfåglar. Fantasi på hög nivå!
Hoppas ni har det bra förresten, Glad Påsk på er!