Cooking advice
Marc was "volunteering" at Nicholas football tournament this past weekend. He and Nicholas were gone most of the day. Daniel and I had lunch at home (warmed up some pancakes in the micro), took the bus to Tumba Centrum and went to the local library, took another bus to the football tournament and then Marc drove us home. When it was time to make some dinner Daniel got concerned since Marc wasn't at home. Marc does all the cooking since he is way better than I am at it and he likes cooking way more than I do. Daniel asked me if I knew how to cook. I said that I wasn't sure and asked him for help. He gave me this advice:" Have you never seen daddy cook? Well, first you put the apron on, you know, the one with the flowers. Then you turn the oven on and then you just put the food in the oven." Easy peasy! Now I know all about cooking!
Postat av: Hanna
Lättare kan det knappast bli! ;-)