Cooking advice
Marc was "volunteering" at Nicholas football tournament this past weekend. He and Nicholas were gone most of the day. Daniel and I had lunch at home (warmed up some pancakes in the micro), took the bus to Tumba Centrum and went to the local library, took another bus to the football tournament and then Marc drove us home. When it was time to make some dinner Daniel got concerned since Marc wasn't at home. Marc does all the cooking since he is way better than I am at it and he likes cooking way more than I do. Daniel asked me if I knew how to cook. I said that I wasn't sure and asked him for help. He gave me this advice:" Have you never seen daddy cook? Well, first you put the apron on, you know, the one with the flowers. Then you turn the oven on and then you just put the food in the oven." Easy peasy! Now I know all about cooking!
Daniel had a period for about two weeks with trouble sleeping. He'd wake up in the middle of the night calling out for mommy. He'd wake up anywhere between 1AM och 3AM. Not too much fun for him or for me who gets up at 5.25AM every weekday. At first I would sit by his bed side and wait until he went back to sleep. That worked maybe twice. Then he would wake up again the same night and do the same thing over again. So I took him to our bed just because I got way too tired. We've been really lucky so far with Daniel with sleeping routines, he sleeps in his own bed the whole night. So we were not too keen on changing that now when there's a baby on the way, which most likely means even less sleep for all of us. Every morning Daniel would give us a full statement of his dreams. If they were good or bad, nice guys or monsters. A night without any kind of dreams was the best night for him.
So we started talking about what we could do to get rid of the bad dreams. His brilliant idea was to build a machine with a laser beam that would slice the dreams before they got to him. Since we are not engineers and experienced machine-builders with laser beam technology, we suggested that we would draw a picture of that machine instead. We thought that Daniel would be a part of that project and draw most of it, but he just gave us a piece of paper and ran off to play. So Marc and I drew the machine and Daniel approved of the end result. We put the picture on his night stand for the night. He went to bed and slept through the whole night without waking up. The next morning he announced with big amazed eyes that the dreamcatcher worked! He didn't dream anything. We are happy and well rested again :-)
This is what a dreamcatcher looks like:
So we started talking about what we could do to get rid of the bad dreams. His brilliant idea was to build a machine with a laser beam that would slice the dreams before they got to him. Since we are not engineers and experienced machine-builders with laser beam technology, we suggested that we would draw a picture of that machine instead. We thought that Daniel would be a part of that project and draw most of it, but he just gave us a piece of paper and ran off to play. So Marc and I drew the machine and Daniel approved of the end result. We put the picture on his night stand for the night. He went to bed and slept through the whole night without waking up. The next morning he announced with big amazed eyes that the dreamcatcher worked! He didn't dream anything. We are happy and well rested again :-)
This is what a dreamcatcher looks like:
Looking forward to the teenage years
Daniel and I were getting ready to leave for the local library. He went upstairs to get something and I asked him to turn the lights off in his room when he was on his way back down. Since he's a four and a half year old, he forgot. So I asked him to go upstairs and turn the lights off. He didn't. He was busy with something else and couldn't be bothered.So I told him he better go upstairs and turn the lights off if he wanted to go to the library. Daniel got upset and went upstairs and said: Mom, you nag all the time. I need ear plugs, there's fire coming out of my ears.
But he went upstairs, turned the lights off and we got to the library that day.
But he went upstairs, turned the lights off and we got to the library that day.